a bone lazy day

I should get around togetting less fat,but I have these bone tired days where even moving is beyond my capabilities. YES I know more exercise means less of these days.. but I am inherently lazy. Therefore I am fat. No one to blame but me. So BAD ME.

I played the demo version of Brutal legend. I really enjoyed it. A little silly. OK a LOT silly, but yeah! A killing game that doesn't need me to remember 1000 instructions.
Tried borderlands but it got too complicated. I wanted something to entertain, not study a manual. :( Shame as I like the add on.

Not much else at all was achieved, I have not even raisedmy cameraout of its box. :( I should I plan of doing a little hunting tomorrow am on the way home. I will have to see what happens.

On freight panel tonight so busy all night. :(

This photo is from a train driver :) Hello STH475!
original alignment


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