Thank goodness
I spent the day with my PS3 and my phone being ignored. I only talked to two people and that was via text anyway (David not included) This is all a good thing. I didn't drag other's down. (At least I hope not)
Hiding now at work to spend the last 90 mins of this horrible day getting paid lots of money.
I am getting better with Rock band, even getting 100% on medium with the microphone. Sad that this a highlight of my day.
Got the pics off my laptop to free up some memory, still did not hang out the washing ( Tim tells me it was a shitty day anyway so eh... an excuse) Didn't leave the house at all except to come here to work.
Please hurry up 2010, I hate the holiday period. I just want normal, routine.
I kept my no drinking promise. Not one drop of alcohol. :) Yay me.
Hiding now at work to spend the last 90 mins of this horrible day getting paid lots of money.
I am getting better with Rock band, even getting 100% on medium with the microphone. Sad that this a highlight of my day.
Got the pics off my laptop to free up some memory, still did not hang out the washing ( Tim tells me it was a shitty day anyway so eh... an excuse) Didn't leave the house at all except to come here to work.
Please hurry up 2010, I hate the holiday period. I just want normal, routine.
I kept my no drinking promise. Not one drop of alcohol. :) Yay me.
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