Australia Day
My national Day. As is my tradition, I am working, BUT I spent the early morning in the city.
Today is hot, humid & grey. :( 98% humidity.
Walking past the Railcorp emergency response, I saw one of the firies from yesterday. He is an ex-waterfall driver (well still technically still a driver) and started chatting. Most interesting what they have now. Its a shame that they no longer still do fire training. The Pitt St location is great for the staff to get to and from..
ANYWAY we made it to the quay for the start of the wheel chair race, then strolled back to hyde park via Angel place where we saw...
I FINALLY found some P76 only two this year.
I FINALLY found some P76 only two this year.
Eventually we made it back to the water for the Ferry race. Most of it was too far and there where ships and boats everywhere. Today was very hazy and so pictures will be disappointing, but I was determined to put the 7D through its paces. To get some shots of the guns firing, I was depending on the 7 frames a second to capture the flames as the gun fired. I got some YAY!! Grateful to have such a fast camera.
Had to high tail it to work,and only just made it. Thank goodness for air-conditioning.
Bit Bummed that I missed the A380 flying over the opera house. :(
More pcs when I process them
More pcs when I process them
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