So I was encouraged out

This was my one day off. YES I know, I have holidays on sunday, but there is a night shift tonight to get through.

Phil invited me out.I am always in two minds about going out. I am such a hermit that I always have some level of stress when invited out.

Phil arrived with Ben in Tow.  YAY! Ben had travelled a few hours to spend some time with us.
As Picton has a limited amount of places to go, we ended up at the Picton Hotel. A pleasant dinner but poor Phil  had to have a Pizza. :-( Not too much vegetarian food on the menu.

George IV HotelThe next pub was for drinking. The George the IV has a great menu,but too bloody expensive. Luckily we were only there to drink.  We got kicked out around 2200hrs as the pubs in Picton Close early.. Mind you, all the latenight shops close at 2100hrs so 2200hrs is late for here. This is mainly to make sure people are on the last train outta town. It is a system that works fairly well.

We returned to my place where we all talked postcards of all things.

Phil was kind enough to drive Ben home. :-)

Pleasant evening.  I was glad I went out.

Being a hermit again today. On the sofa, watching Bones. Nothing else. Mother wanted me to report to her place. She wanted me to report today AFTER Stuart had left. **Sigh**

Nothing like being second best.

Oh how I LOVE Mother's Day


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