Day Two of the Fly-in

Brushwood silo
Brushwood Silos

Woosang farm
Sunset at Woosang

The sun was out, the sky blue but the wind! Oh well, its what blew the clouds away. Huzzah!

We didn't stay long though, we had a long drive ahead and maybe see a train or two on the way. We also had to meet up with Mother to hand back her keys. Although she was angry at me losing my keys, it turns out she didn't tell me abou the middle gate which is new. Ugh. Even if I had my keys with me, I would not have been able to access the house via the driveway. Sigh

Woosang farm
Dawn at Woosang

ANyway we found a wheat train 2331 sitting in Ardlethan siding so the boys went to shoot that. There is a lovely little park right next to the track and it was a rather relaxing spot for a break.

Onwards to Temora where we stopped at the Tiger moth cafe, really a burger/milk bar. Its the place to be in Temora, with all ages turning up, from the old lady with her coffee in the corner to the 14 year old Jail bait cuties coming in for their chips and gravy. The place was packed!!The man who runs it seems to know everyone, calling the patrons by name. Cool but greasy all at the same time. FYI the BP around the corner from this cafe has public toilets open.. :-)

The long stretch now as We had to get to meet mother and also be home by 1600 to hand Jane over to Tim for Transport to her new home.

Fail we arrived home at 1630, meaning Tim was sitting in Picton, (maccas, Fore station and Station) for 30 minutes, but the roadworks were piece meal and traffic annoyingly busy.

On arrival, with Tim now on the door step, he was amazed that I was not kidding, the grass really was a tall as him... :- )
He helped me threat the bigger snakes, one with a burn, (Bloody heat mats) not a bad burn, one with mites and to bag Jane up after treating her for mites (She doesn't have any but once one in the house has them, you have to assume all of them do)

Jane didn't like the handeling, she is head shy as she cannot see you clearly, so she panicked. Aw. She settled and we managed to get her bagged up and safely in a travel box.
Tim had to sail off to meet this guy before his GF stole him to go to dinner. :-) From what I hear, he barely made it. Traffic for him was a bad as it was for us..  Thank you Tim for the transport services. Much appreciated.

He zoomed off with his snakey friend and just made it to Shane's place.
Both Tim and SHane seemed happy with the transaction, Tim with the guy and Shane with his prize. He told me later (Shane) that he sat up with her all night and patted her. She never allowed me to do that so she must like him.

Now some shots of the weekend

Sunset at Demondrille

Cunningar Level Crossing

Leeton fly-in

Tiger Moth 80th Anniversary Fly-in weekend

Tiger Moth 80th Anniversary Fly-in weekend

Tiger Moth 80th Anniversary Fly-in weekend


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