March 23

Further to my sad post earlier for this day, the rest of the day was rush rush rush..

We were up early, well I was not sleeping so I was up anyway....David checked out for us and we were on the road before 4am. Was at the airport and checked in with plenty of time and it was now that the plan started to unravel. Virgin had made no announcements, but a friend told us that our flight was delayed. Not a peep out of the airline. With dismay we watched the earlier flight leave on time. At no point did virgin offer us a seat on the earlier plane even though we were there waiting. AARGGHH

Only 20 minutes the airline says.. but that means we missed the last AM train to Picton. Only 20 minutes in Brisbane is a 2.5 hour delay getting home and the real possibility of missing the funeral. Under no circumstances woudl that happen, even if we had to get a train west and take the suitcases to the funeral. We were not going to let Antony Albanese cause us to miss this. And yes, it was his fault and he wont allow our international Gateway city have a proper international airport and to make me miss something vital just cause he wont increase slots at SYdney airport is unforgivable.

SO we ended up with 2.5 hours waiting at Macarthur. David bought us breakfast then we wandered to the shops above. Bags and all. JB Hi fi was a bust. The poor sales man was having his ear bend but a woman who was really wasting his time.. Asking him all about Wihite balance and basic basic photogrpahy theory. Whilst I am all for learning.. the store is not the place to do it. For Goodness sakes woman GO AWAY!!  The salesman's eyes bulged at our request but then insisted that we had to put our name on a waiting list. UMMM no.I wont do that for apple, and certainly not doing it for a camera.
We wandered over to Camera house. He had two in stock. Huzzah.. We were not expecting to buy today but the man gave a very generous trade in offer for both my 7D and Davi'd 5D2. Very generous. SO we walked out with two new cameras.

                  My New Camera

Home and we rummaged around for clothes, fed the lizards and jumped into the car to get to the funeral. We were late but not by much. We stood outside in the doorway. (see post earlier)


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