My Hair has one super power and letting it all hang out.

Its remains fully straight no matter what I do to it.
So today I foolishly used hot rollers. I did everything I am supposed to do. From slightly damp all the way to lots of hairspray.

Nothing. Its dead straight
A curling iron produced one curl for 10 minutes.

Sigh. I give up. Pretty hair is not for me. I'll pin it up and move on to things I can control

Right to business. Havent cracked the 200lbs.. II am finding using imperial scares the crap outta me... today was 203.5lbs.. so...

keep going

Mass 92.3kg.
Chest 99.1cm Down from 104.2cm
waist 96.4cm down from 118.2cm
Hips. 109.3 cm down from 123cm.

Alas lots of spare skin that is also causing me stress. This is the year I'll have to turn to surgery I think. If only I had the spare cash...

But here I am as of yesterday belly and all.

Many thanks to my support people. You guys know who you are.
 I love you. XOXO


  1. You're looking beautiful. As always.

  2. Agreed. You are seriously beautiful. I love your face and eyes.


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