Eat that frog

The after night shift routine. To get some movement in my life I have to force myself to do something other than sleep and work.

I am usually totally exhausted but I have learnt recently that the Eat the Frog theory applies to the time of day not my personal clock. SOO I thought I would share my routine for going to bed after night shift.

I am home usually at 8am Mon to Friday and around 1030am on the weekend so you see the day is all arse about for me before I start. I used to go to bed after a shower and of course I did nothing when I got up but laze about or just get the mail and then Heath would be home. I wasn't doing my exercise and this contributes to my poor mental health. I am one of those lunatics that likes exercise.But unless I am pushed or have a set time then.. noo go. Really I confuse myself.


0830hrs (Or 1030hrs Sat and Sun) 

  • 3 times a week Treadmill work
  • 1 or 2 times a week strength training (Even if its only the 7 min workout. Hey! Its only 7 mins but I can't do the chair step up it hurts my knees) 

  • Do my journal for the next calendar day and my end of day gratitude
  • feed the dog
  • shower 
  • bed
I have been trialling this for a week and it works. I wake up and I don't have the thought of "Oh I have to try to exercise" I have already done it. Exercise seems to my my frog and I have been successful in doing it faithfully barring one self love day (I went to the beautician's and barely did 4000 steps in the whole day - It was bliss)

On days off with H, we try to Walk an hour with the dog. Last Saturday that we had off, we took the dog for a walk through the bush at Thirlmere and the lakes.  We even had a lovely pub lunch.

I don't have a set routine for my morning shift as I have two, one that this routine will suit.. the getting up, hydrating, and exercise but my super early shift is no good. I get up at 2am and I am NOT getting up at 1am to get a workout. I tend to have to force myself to so anything when I get home at 2pm. That's why I di now firmly believe in the eating the frog theory when possible.


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