New hound

A week ago, we decided to get a greyhound from the industry rescue place. 
HANK was a nice natured dog but difficult as he was extremely anxious. This new dog has raced, but broken down in his 23rd race so we got him before the age of 3. 

He raced under the name Unlawful Assault and the rescue people called him Batman. We call him Max. 

He adores toys, soft toys.. the harder toys he is not fussed with. 
ANYHOO, he is pretty calm and happy to walk with H on the lead. He had never been in a house before and so faces the challenge of what things are. Things we don't think of like glass... is hard.. stairs are hard and scary and inside is not a cage but where ever he likes. 
He settled very quickly, I feel his youth helped here. 


SO far we have sacrificed a tv remote, a pillow and a dog bed to the teeth but he is otherwise excellent in the house. One accident on his first day and then he worked out the grass was the toilet area. He is very cat-like in that he grooms himself like a cat. :) 

Have been to some medicals for a new company, I am undecided as to what direction I was to head in but where I am not appreciated is not where I intend to stay. 
The physio assessment was rigorous and now I have tips for strengthening my sore knee. I even got H to get me a local physio to help develop a plan to get me more flexible in this area.  Other than that same old same old. 



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